September 28, 2024

January Fundraiser Frontline Ambulance Material Delivered

Great news! Back in January we raised $21,975 to deliver medical supplies and automatic electronic defibrillators (AEDs) to frontline ambulances in Ukraine. It has taken several months, but finally we can report the delivery from Poland to Ukraine of 11 BeneHeart C1A AEDs and a BeneHeart D30 AED. These AEDs have been installed in frontline ambulances operated by the rescue service of the Red Cross of Ukraine.

AEDs for frontline ambulances AEDs for frontline ambulances AEDs for frontline ambulances AEDs for frontline ambulances

We would like to again thank our many donors, and especially our Platinum Sponsors Wegmans and aTonalHits, our Silver Sponsors The Rochester Academy of Medicine, and our Bronze Sponsors Allison L. Giordano, MD and The Ukrainian Federal Credit Union for their incredible support in making this important delivery possible.

August 20, 2023

Spirometer for the Kharkiv Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

This last week our partners Future For Ukraine Foundation helped us deliver a spirometer to the Kharkiv Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital. The $1500 in funds that allowed us to complete this project came from the Korones Family Foundation donation, and for that we are very grateful!

MIR Spirobank II spirometer. MIR Spirobank II spirometer.

Spirometers are medical devices that give doctors information about how well a patient’s lungs are working by measuring how much air goes into and out of the lungs during breathing. These devices are used to manage the care of children with asthma and other common respiratory illnesses. We purchased a MIR Spirobank II spirometer for the Kharkiv Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital. This is just one example of how the efforts of our donors are helping Ukrainian hospitals continue to provide high quality care to their patients.

August 12, 2023

Hear Us on Mriya Report

Hear us on Mriya Report.

Last weekend, we were featured on Mriya Report, for a discussion of our efforts to deliver medicines and supplies to Ukrainian hospitals.

As many of you know, Mriya Report has been providing listeners with high quality news and discussions from domain experts concerning Ukraine. It was a real honor to be invited to share the story of the Ukraine Medical Relief Fund on their Sunday show. A recording of our conversation should be posted on Mriya Report’s Spotify channel soon, and we will update this link when it is.

June 20, 2023


Total Parenteral Nutrition. We doctors call it “TPN.” It’s used when a patient has any severe bodily wound. We may not be able to use the gut to feed the patient. While the body heals, the patient still needs to be fed. That’s where TPN comes in. TPN provides all the protein, sugars, and fats – as well as vitamins and minerals – needed to sustain life while healing occurs. It’s given intravenously. It’s life saving.

June 6, 2023

Korones Family Foundation Donation

We have some wonderful news. Last week the Ukraine Medical Relief Fund received a $20,000 donation from the Korones Family Foundation, to further our mission of providing supplies and medications to Ukrainian hospitals. The Korones Family Foundation has a special interest in humanitarian work, and we are extremely honored and humbled to be among the recipients of their support.

Dr. Snyder and Dr. Korones.

Dr. Yuliya Snyder, co-founder of the Ukraine Medical Relief Fund, and Dr. David Korones, Professor of Pediatrics (Hematology/Oncology) and Pediatric Palliative Care at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Golisano Children’s Hospital, in Rochester NY.

June 1, 2023

International Day for the Protection of Children and Greetings From Kharkiv

June 1 is the International Day for the Protection of Children in Ukraine. In this time, we wish continued strength and courage to the armed forces of Ukraine, who are the first defenders of Ukraine’s children, and we wish them success as they reclaim their country.

We also wish the rapid return of the thousands of Ukrainian children abducted by the terrorist state, and the prosecution of those who have conceived, aided and abetted these criminal acts. Just read the accounts of the horror affected families have experienced, and you will not need to ask why we so strongly support Ukraine’s defenders.

May 26, 2023

Attacks on Hospitals Are War Crimes

Overnight the terrorist state attacked a hospital in Dnipro, Ukraine with missiles. There are killed and wounded, including reports of two children injured.

Attacks on Hospitals Are War Crimes.

The message from our canine volunteers is really simple.

This of course is not the first time the terrorist state has attacked a hospital. Among the earliest images in March 2022 after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began was the picture of a pregnant woman being transported out of a bombed maternity hospital in Mariupol. This woman later died from her wounds, and her baby was stillborn. The hospital was the Maternity Hospital No. 3 in Mariupol, which also served as a healthcare facility serving children.
