International Day for the Protection of Children and Greetings From Kharkiv
June 1 is the International Day for the Protection of Children in Ukraine. In this time, we wish continued strength and courage to the armed forces of Ukraine, who are the first defenders of Ukraine’s children, and we wish them success as they reclaim their country.
We also wish the rapid return of the thousands of Ukrainian children abducted by the terrorist state, and the prosecution of those who have conceived, aided and abetted these criminal acts. Just read the accounts of the horror affected families have experienced, and you will not need to ask why we so strongly support Ukraine’s defenders.
We also wish strength and courage to the healthcare providers who care for Ukraine’s children, to the nurses and doctors and medics and staff who continue to care for the young and the sick and injured, despite the rockets, missiles, and kamikaze drones, despite the 887 attacks on Ukraine’s healthcare facilities to date, despite the threat to their own lives.
We wish all of these things on this International Day for the Protection of Children.
Our friends from the Children’s Hospital No. 5 in Kharkiv sent us a video showing how everyday care for the children at their facility goes on. Our donors will recall that the Ukraine Medical Relief Fund has sent several deliveries of supplies and medications to this hospital. For the pediatricians, child neurologists, and indeed for all the parents among our donors – we recognize these children, these patients. These are our children, our patients, too.
We are still accepting donations.
We are collecting monetary donations to support the purchase of supplies and medications now for Ukrainian hospitals. Go to our fundraising page to contribute.
We are a non-profit organized under the Rochester Regional Health Foundations.