Brother's Brother Foundation Aids Childhood Cancer Patients in Kharkiv

In January 2023, pediatric oncologists at the Kharkiv Children’s Hospital No. 16 reached out to the Ukraine Medical Relief Fund asking for help purchasing an Abbott i1000 immunochemical analysis machine for their pediatric cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The machine is used to measure drug levels to help avoid side-effects and drug toxicity during treatment. Previously, these patients were sent from Kharkiv to Kyiv for their care, but the activities of Ukraine’s terrorist neighbor have made it impossible to transfer these patients safely. Therefore, they needed one of these machines in their own hospital so their patients could continue to receive life-saving care.
Here’s the thing – the price of this machine (even discounted) is $72,000. Now, as hard as we are working to raise funds for hospital supplies (and our donors are amazing!) this unfortunately was beyond our budget.
But we didn’t despair. We reached out to our friends at Brother’s Brother Foundation and asked if they could help. They said yes immediately.
They didn’t even think twice.
And thanks to the BBF this beautiful fully equipped Abbott i1000 immunochemical analysis machine, with reagents for 100 assays, arrived at the hospital a couple of weeks ago. Assembly, start-up, training, warranty, and application support are all included.

Abbott i1000 immunochemical analysis machine provided to Kharkiv Children’s Hospital No. 16 by Brother’s Brother Foundation.
Our friends at the Kharkiv Children’s Hospital No. 16 sent video showing this machine in action, which you can watch over on our YouTube channel:
Let’s just take a moment to shout out how awesome Brother’s Brother Foundation is. Over the past year they have been unrelenting in their humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. We’re talking somewhere on the order of over 500 pallets of medical and surgical supplies and equipment provided. That’s massive. The organization was founded in 1958, and their efforts include regularly scheduled relief shipments and programmatic work in the areas of healthcare, infrastructure, disaster response, and education. They helped us ship medications to hospitals in Kharkiv and Lviv in May, 2022. They have relieved suffering and saved countless lives through their work in Ukraine. They deserve your support – here is their donation page.

A heartfelt thank you to the Brother’s Brother Foundation, saving lives in Ukraine, this time helping childhood cancer patients in Kharkiv.
We are still accepting donations.
We are collecting monetary donations to support the purchase of supplies and medications now for Ukrainian hospitals. Go to our fundraising page to contribute.
We are a non-profit organized under the Rochester Regional Health Foundations.