September 25, 2022

Thank You Polska Chata

Polska Chata.

On September 22, 2022 the Ukraine Medical Relief Fund spent the evening at Polska Chata, simply the best Polish restaurant and deli in Rochester, NY. The evening was so successful, the crowd so welcoming, (and the food so good!) that we came back again during their Friday Fish Fry on September 23. Polska Chata generously donated all proceeds from the desserts sold on those evenings!

Polska Chata.

Please enjoy this short video about the fundraiser on our YouTube channel:

All told, we raised $840 toward our mission of delivering medications and supplies to Ukrainian hospitals. We are very close to completing our current project goal of providing a used ambulance to the Kharkiv Regional Children’s Hospital No. 1. We are in regular touch with the Kharkiv city administration for this project, and they report to us that the invaders destroy three ambulances a week in the Kharkiv region. The support work of Ukraine’s friends around the world is more important than ever.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to Polska Chata for their generosity.

Bardzo dziękujemy naszym polskim przyjaciołom! Thank you very much to our Polish friends! Щиро дякуємо нашим польським друзям!

We are hoping to arrive at our goal of $14,000 to purchase this ambulance soon. We are so close!

We are still accepting donations!

We are collecting monetary donations to support the purchase of medical supplies and medications now for Ukrainian hospitals. Go to our fundraising page to contribute.

We are a non-profit organized under the Rochester Regional Health Foundations.

RRH Foundations Logo.